My artist training is very heavy in traditional methods of drawing and painting. It is natural for me to work with pen and ink, though I've spent a significant amount of time in all mediums. I've become interested in melding the old-school technique of hand drawn, classical images with a more contemporary representation. Many of my images in this latest series feature fractures: fractured atlases, fractured faces. Fracturing seems very much the artist answer to the current zeitgeist. Much of our imagery comes in pixels, our attention span is very short. We don't live in a whole world anymore. Human beings have become very fragmented. This series, I hope, will create the sense of being a time traveler - moving both forward and backwards in time. These images are very lush, and they look like prints. They don't HAVE to be hand drawn, but that's the medium I've chosen. This is Jean Baudrillard's simulcra in action: depicting or copying something that had no original to begin with, or no longer has an original. In some ways, this copy becomes the true original.